Why should I join the Modders’ Club?
Modders’ Club members enjoy exclusive members only gifts when they back our Kickstarter. They also join our community with exclusive voting rights to decide what upcoming models we design after the E30 model has launched.
How often are you going to contact me through the mailing list?
We’ll be contacting members once or twice per week leading up to the launch of the Kickstarter campaign as we have a lot of surprises we know you’ll enjoy. Once the Kickstarter campaign is live, we’ll be contacting you once or twice every two weeks – we’ll make sure to only do so if we have something worth sharing, and we won’t make a nuisance of ourselves.
When will the Kickstarter launch?
Our Kickstarter campaign will launch in the spring of 2024. Please sign up for a Modders’ Club account to be notified of all Kickstarter related updates prior to our launch date.
What are the differences between the Standard and Premium lines of Moddables?
The differences between the Standard and Premium Moddables lines are summarized in the table below:

Will the upcoming Kickstarter be for E30 Moddables only?
Our dream is to offer a Moddables for every enthusiast-driven car. Although our upcoming Kickstarter is designed for E30 Moddables models, we will have a support tier at $12.50 Canadian for anyone who wants to support us in making Moddables a reality. Backers at this entry tier will receive a mirror hanger for their actual car, modelled after a variety of iconic classic wheels.
What will pricing be like for the Kickstarter? What are the Kickstarter Backer tiers?

What is the Kickstarter financial goal and what are the stretch goals?

Why do you need the money, and what will you use it for?
We need to invest significant funds in renovating our workshop so it’s suitable for the high quality production standards we’ve set for ourselves, then fill that workshop with the specialized production equipment necessary to make this dream a reality. While we’re building out the workshop, we also need to program an amazing Configurator with all of the features and options we have in mind which we know will make your experience of modding your models incredible. Protype development of improvements to our already impressive model quality, implementation of our ambitious stretch goals, and the development of efficient scalable production processes (all of which will take place here in Ontario, Canada) will most definitely absorb any funds we have left over.
How will Kickstarter backers be able to configure their E30 Moddables?
Kickstarter Backers will receive a code that they will use in our online Configurator which will enable them to fully customize their model to the limits of their imagination and their chosen model line (with any of our exciting stretch goals expanding the possibilities even further). These codes will be sent out in phases to our Kickstarter Backers by email. This will be done in phases to ensure that those configuring their Moddables will receive it in a timely manner. For example, the first phase will be selected based upon who backed our Kickstarter campaign first, codes will be sent out to users in phases by email, and once those orders have been processed, the next phase will be released.
What will the code that Kickstarter backers get enable them to do?
Each code will give the user access to our Configurator on our website, where the user can select all of their desired options and place their order. This unique Kickstarter code that Backers receive will remove the price on the website and allow the user to build the model line and scale that they selected during the Kickstarter campaign (i.e. Backers who paid for Premium line 1:64 scale E30 Moddables receive a code which will only work for a Premium 1:64 scale E30 Moddables). This code will remove the cost of any add-on options, which will be a savings of up to $30 Canadian in comparison with normal pricing.
When will I be able to configure my E30 Moddables?
We will notify Kickstarter Backers about the release dates for their codes via email. Earlier Kickstarter Backers will receive their codes first. The first phase of codes are scheduled to be sent out in October 2024 (contingent upon delays: we will keep all Backers and Modders’ Club members notified of changes in our timeline).
When can Kickstarter backers expect to receive their custom E30 Moddables?
This will depend on when Backers submit their configured Moddables through our website. Orders are scheduled to open up on our website in October of 2024 (subject to change if issues in manufacturing arise, please sign up for a Modders’ Club account to be notified of any timeline updates). Once Backers configure and submit their E30 Moddables, they can expect to receive them within 1-2 weeks (contingent upon shipping delays).
What if I want to reconfigure my Moddables after I’ve submitted the order?
You’ll have an optional 24 hour period to change your mind and reconfigure your model after you order it through the Configurator; if you choose to waive that 24 hour reconfiguration or cancellation period, you’ll get your order a day earlier. Once production of your model has started, you will no longer be able to cancel your order as your specific customized parts will be in production.
What will Moddables cost after the Kickstarter?
This is a challenging question to answer before we’ve finalized our production processes. We anticipate a higher starting cost for models before they’ve been configured, and will most definitely have to charge for options as they’re added in our Configurator. Kickstarter pricing is locked in place and Backers can be assured that they will enjoy considerable savings for helping us bring Moddables to life.
Where are Moddables going to be made?
Moddables are proudly designed, customized, created, finished, assembled and packed for you in Canada by our team of Builders. Our materials are sourced from Canadian and American suppliers whenever possible.